Sunday, December 2, 2007


One thing I like about these posts is that there is so much time inbetween each one that I enjoy looking back at what I was thinking or worried about a couple months ago.
Did I mention I live in Japan?
Technically I live in Zushi City .... I have no clue what state ( yes, Japan does have states). I live on a housing base called Ikego. Thats about it.
Its almost 3 pm , its rained all day but I still hear children screaming outside as though its 90 degrees in July.
22 weeks pregnant. Yeah. I find out the sex of the baby on Wednesday . Im super excited about this , because once that happens it makes buying baby things a little more easier. I find shopping for baby very hard. Im the person who walks into Babies R Us and started crying because I had no clue what to buy . I think the crying came around because Im just a little emotional because Im pregnant , and also would love the feedback from my husband who is constantly deployed. Hopefully it will be easier , plus Mark is home and having him there for his opinion is relaxing and helpful , even though he doesnt know what we really need for a baby either.
I spent the majority of the month in California with my dad. It was great to be away from Japan. Staying here alone sucks. There have been days when I havent said a word at all because there is no one here to talk to. I talk to much in my head.
California was great though .... I stayed on a couch the whole time but it was the best sleep Ive had since we left Jacksonville.
But now Im back in Japan , in our apartment. Where I spend my days reading books, playing solitare , watching the armed forces network and looking forward to emails.
As I type this Ive come to terms that I live a bit of a boring life, but maybe this is just rest because once the baby comes its all over.
We leave Saturday for a Borneo/ Singapore vacation to spend time with Marks parents. Its going to be great. Marks first vacation since Ive known him.