Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Walker and Chloe

Well since I dont keep an up to date journal or have time to write things out it only comes to the conclusion of "blogging" about Chloe and her walker.
We had the walker originally for Mark then it has been passed down to her. Mark was not very good with it . He could push himself with one foot but only moved because he thought he was going to "bounce" . In other words he sucked at it . It was ok though because he was walking at 8 months so he kinda skipped it. Anyways , Chloe now at 5 months is a little speed demon. At first she only pushed herself forward. Not really knowing how to control what she was doing. To her it was just being put somewhere so Mama could get some dishes done. Slowly I noticed that she was "walking" in it . I let her go up and down our alley kitchen. Then last week I saw her lean forward and put some effort into it and was running ( as fast as a baby can run) down the kitchen. I stood there amazed, in my apron and dish washing gloves. I always encourage her and she gets more excited and picks up a little speed. I can see how she is trying to figure out how to turn. Our kitchen is small but one moment she will be stuck on the end of the kitchen , then the next she is bumped into my feet. There are times that she gets stuck trying to get out of the kitchen. She starts her whimpering/crying but Im usually trying to finish the dishes. This is where Mark comes in and tries to "help" her. With helping her he almost tips her over , with her feet off the ground she is still trying to push herself forward , till I catch them and scream " BECAREFUL. Which Mark then drops her says " uh oh!" and then runs off , leaving her looking over her shoulder at me with either a tearful face or she is laughing.
There are also times that I put her in the hallway so I can put laundry away in the rooms and Mark just pushes her up and down the hallway. Sometimes I think she likes it , others I think she gets mad because she wants to walk by herself.
With all this I think my child is a genius. Or she is just getting older and its inevitable that she will advance. It may be more of a shock that she is just doing things Mark never did or cared to do. She is my lil pumpkin burrito. I will have to catch her on video and post.

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