Thursday, May 7, 2009

My Child

Ah , My Child.

He is something else. Sometimes I think he is a monster at other times I think he is an angel. Most of the time though I think he is a monster. My husband has stated before that Mark is just like Stitch from the Disney movie Lilo and Stitch. I swear Mark even speaks the same alien language that Stitch does.

Lately Mark has been a monkey though. Not as bad as Curious George. Side note : I strongly dislike George. We still watch it everyday but he gives me chest pains to all the bad things he does. Just this morning I was watching him and he buried all of the Man with the yellow hat things because he thought they would grow like a seed. Once I would like the Man in the yellow hat to just throw in him in a cage where he should be kept while he is out of the house.

Back to Mark being like a Monkey. Well he is climbing the impossible and getting to the very top of the sofa and attempting to just walk off the top. He looks like a little pirate walking the plank, except he doesnt splash into water , he crashes into the floor. Just as a monkey he uses his fingers and toes to grip to whatever can to climb on. It really is quite frightening . I believe he was enjoying the look of agrivation/ terror I would give him when I would catch him. I now ignore him , but in the corner of my eye watch that he doesnt hurt himself. Some examples of things he climbs are ; entertainment center, stairs, stools, high chair , sofa, dining table , side of our king size bed, the moveable ottoman (which makes him look like he is surfing), coffee table .... I should just stop . He trys to climb everything and accomplishes most. Right now I am watching him climb up and down the stairs. We do have a gate that sits at the bottom but its not secure and he just knocks it down.

Now only 9:45 am and Im ready for naptime.

Mark is a little angel though. Not right now as he just runs up to me to let out a high pitch scream then runs after Gidget to try and take her ball from her. I couldnt be happier though , Mark is a happy little man and that just tops me off. There are times when he is just so happy and runs up to me to throw his arms around my neck to give me a hug. I just melt. Every morning he wakes up with a huge goofy smile laughing at me. Even at times when he is doing something bad/dangerous I cant help but smile because I know he is so happy. He is just a little boy. Every day he is more and more like his Dad. I dont know how to explain that one , but its the looks they give me. Like when they both know they are in trouble , or when they are laughing. Even though Big Mark has almost black hair , brown eyes, and tanned skin . With Bubba , light skin , light brown hair and blue eyes , they look exactly the same.

I just also want you to know at 13 months what are his favorite things; Trucks, cars ,books (with cars or trucks), strawberries, sticks, dirt, balls, making a mess, running away from you , slides, tools that make noise. Favorite tv shows : Super Why , and Sid the Science Kid. Favorite movie ; Muppets from Space. Favorite stuffed animal ; a soft monkey. Favorite blanket; brown fuzzy blanket. Favorite drink ; water ( hes not big on juice). One of his most favorite things is an ABC song from the tv show Super Why. Every night we listen to it . I have it on my favorites from youtube. Now he loves and I mean LOVES this ABC song , so when he hears people singing the ABCs the original way he looks at them really weird as if to say " Your totally singing it wrong, please fix it". Here is the video for it. It really is the cutest thing.

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