Friday, May 1, 2009

Looking Forward to the Weekend

Started the day off early today . We did get to sleep in till 730 but not long afterwards we were eating breakfast and getting ready to get out the door. This morning stroller strides met up in Salinas for a "master class". The regional director ( Im not sure of her official name) came up from San Diego ( where stroller strides originates) to teach the Friday class along with doing the training seminar this weekend. This lady was AWESOME! Total and I mean TOTAL body workout in an hour. She covered everything and it felt like there was just no slowing down. I usually dont drink water after ( I know I should) but this time I just happened to have a water bottle with me and inhaled it when we were done. I was just so impressed. I guess they just have to be awesome to inspire you to get through the seminar!

The class was running a tad late and I had to miss out on the last of the stretching. I was in a rush to get back to the housing office to meet up with the hubby to go and look at one of the older homes. We currently live in home built about 3 years ago and is 1722 square feet. The house we went to look at was built in 1952 ( or somewhere around there) and is 1024 square feet. I deep down inside fell in love with it. Looking at the outside of the house ... well it is nothing to look at but inside was just perfect for us. One story , hardwood floors , and just enough storage space. That is the perfect place for us. Here in the home we live now is just to big. Unused space and nothing feels cozy. So now all we wait for is a intercommunity approval to move. Im already so ready to move out , with only living here about 5 months.

After checking out the house Mark went off to school for a Calculus class and then Bubba and I headed home. Im not sure what Bubba and I do when we get back but it seems to go by pretty quick. All that gets done is feeding him and then making sure he doesnt kill himself as he runs around with Gidget playing with his toys. Then 1:30 and we take a nap.

Only an hour into the nap Mark gets home from his test. He was to say in the least not a happy camper. I had to get a mouthful on how he somehow messed up his test , and it was coming across to have been my fault. ( now the only reason I bring this up is because I was talking to his mom today and she said type everything out , because its something to look back on, so here I am). We get into a tiff and I put down my point how it should in no way be my fault that he messed up on a question , then he states he wasnt trying to say it was my fault.... Then I dont know what happened . He walks out of the room , I get on Facebook because he has woken me from my sleep and then 10 min later he walks into the room with puppy dog eyes as if nothing had happened. While Im sitting there not even enjoying my stalker time because Im fuming. Now that I realize it I think all day has been like this. I think it might have been me now . Can I somehow being overewhelmed with hormones that I want any reason to get mad? I will say this though , he started everything . I dont get mad for no reason . It ends quickly because he always comes back with puppy dog eyes acting as though nothing has happened. That is how he says "sorry". Men.

The rest of the day ends is cleaning and chicken enchiladas for dinner. Along with a side of Golden Girls.

We also online chatted with Marks parents, which can always turn out to be a very interesting conversation.

Tomorrow Im up way to early to get to this seminar . I have a packet to look over but really cant soak anything into my brain tonight. Its just not happening. What has been my overall thought of the day? I really dont know . It was kind of a weird day with so much happening in the morning but then come afternoon felt as though nothing was done all day. I did find out that I can walk to Bay to Breakers in San Francisco. Its in 2 weeks , can I walk 7 miles 30 weeks pregnant? I really dont know , but I think Im going to try. Wish me luck or let me know if Im crazy , but it would be a big accomplishment in my eyes.

I wish I had some thoughtful advice to give or a funny story . Im sure something funny worth mentioning has happened today but I just cant remember , so it cant be that funny huh?

Ill post pictures tomorrow of the seminar , thats if I remember.

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