Wednesday, May 27, 2009

So much in the past 2 weeks has happened. First Mark got a stock car bed , so cool , he loves it , c'mon its a giant toy. We had him sleeping in it , THEN he got sick and was stuck with us , and still has been stuck with us due to clingy issues coming up since the sickness. Yes I think I posted before that we had been staying inside due to some sickness going around , we stayed away from people but it still found my lil baby.

Then this past Memorial Day weekend my mom and brother came up to visit. Highlight of the weekend was Saturday morning we went to the Mushroom Mardi Gras Festival in Morgan Hill.

Mark ran the 5k and won for his age group! Im so proud of him , he didnt act that excited , but it was all over his face when they announced his name. He was given a little pin , which I know he was a little dissapointed there , he would have liked a medal Im sure.

At the festival there wasnt much but food. They did have a petting zoo though. I would have loved to have taken Bubba in myself but Im allergic to everything there was to pet. So Mark took him in , the whole time Mark was saving the animals from Bubba hitting,choking, kicking them. It was very sad and funny at the same time.
Other then these main things that have come up , nothing new and exciting has happening. It has been a fast and slow 2 weeks, the slow part was Mark being sick. We stayed in bed with him all weekend.

Tomorrow night we drive up to San Francisco to meet up with Marks mom ( and Uncle Jose )who is flying in from Singapore. Dont know where we are going to have dinner , but its going to be great to see her .

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