Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hermit Time

There are times in my life that I fall into "hermit time". It happens after really pushing myself to do to much in a short time , I get burnt out. Not that Im purposely staying indoors now . Bubba and I have stayed home all week , not that I really wanted to but I feel as though Im a hermit.

Along with going into my 7th month of pregnancy , I have not been feeling well and there is a little sickness going through our playgroup , that I admit Im really scared of Mark getting sick. Not that he couldnt handle it , its me. I just barely have the energy lately to get anything done.

Since staying in the pass couple days I have read a couple books and nearly have gone completely crazy. My craziness is an outcome of Marks craziness. That poor boy NEEDS to get out of the house or he ends up running back and forth or rolling around the living room. So for the past couple days I have been letting him run around like a wild man in the backyard. We bought a hose today just so I could sit there and spray him with it , he loves it.

I didnt realize how long Ive been indoors untill today when I noticed that there was a playgroup I had wanted Mark to attend . They went to the Pacific Grove Natural History museum... I thought it was next week. Then I get a reminder for a book club meeting , which again I thought was next week . THEN I realize that it is the end of the flippin month!! Where did it all go?

I feel as though Im an old woman when things like this happen! Time has been going by so fast , Im going into my last trimester and there are times that I feel Im not prepared .... but then I think to myself what am I really not prepared for?

Once you become a mother I think that there is something chemically released into your brain that makes your forget more .... and.... well there are to many side effects to state but I am sure all you mothers know what I am talking about.

Oh gosh , I really wish I could make this more of a journal entry and put down what we have done , but I really cant remember. We havent done ANYTHING this week. Mark and I did walk to the park this evening to let Bubba blow off some steam , he was down to throwing books at us.

Well off to a night full of spider solitaire till Im to exhausted to see the numbers.

By the way Im falling in love with the cartoons , its so funny to look through them all. So take time and look up some cartoons and have a laugh. I dont know if you find them as funny as I do , they may not be funny at all , but by 9 pm and Im exhausted everything is funny.

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